explore a city from breakfast to dinner



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to smoothie - Goji Berry Shake by rens kroes

to smoothie - Goji Berry Shake by rens kroes

goji berry shake rens kroes

Goji Berries! not only are they called the happy berries, but they will also give you glowing skin!!
You can eat them as a snack, or with this recipe, you can incorporate them as soon as breakfast! 

Goji Berry shake
recipe by: rens kroes
recipe type: to breakfast, to smoothie, to blend

what you need:
3tbsp goji berries
1 tsp chia seeds
1tsp flaxseed
1frozen banana
1hand of frozen berries
200ml coconutwater or coconutmilk

what to do:
place the gojiberries with the coconutmilk or water soaking overnight
take the mixture and the rest of the ingredients and blend away!

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