explore a city from breakfast to dinner



Published by Lannoo.
Available at
Books By Marked, Amazon and Bol.com

Foodie Snap pack!!

If this isn't the Hipstamatic add on pack for me, then I don't know what is ( maybe a mix of this, with that Ben Watts Bondi Beach Pack, and a case designed by Pharell , wishfull thinking!)

The Foodie Snap pack!
It comes with a film, a flash and a lens called the Loftus after their partner in foodiecrime David Loftus
So start snapping pics of your Turkey, cranberry sauce and grilleeeed vegetableeeesssss.....
( yeah you ruddie from The Merrymakers.be bring the beat back ;-)  -- we have made the best food rap ever... kinda like this, well, in our head it sounded like that)

So don't mind the taste, at least it will look good!!

Lace Lover

quote of the day...